Healthy Recipes You Can Try For Breakfast Or Any Other Meal.

Healthy recipes

One week ago, we shared skipping breakfast could reduce your memory and concentration level to help you know the effect of skipping breakfast. 
1. LCD Banana Bean Cake (4 Servings)
Bean Powder/Dressed Grinded Beans (like for moi-moi) (250ml)
3 Big Banana fingers
Salt (to taste)
Any Protein Stock (125ml)
1 Seasoning Cube
3 Table spoonful of palm oil.

Banana Bean cake

Measure bean powder into a bowl
Chop bananas in bits and marsh till its really slimy
Mix banana, bean powder and your protein stock
Add all ingredients and stir till properly mixed
Bag (in foil or nylon) and cook for 20 – 25minutes
Serve with any vegetable sauce or as seen in picture above.

 2. LCD'S Breakfast-Takeout. (1 serving).
(This recipe is best made the night before and refrigerated, easy for takeout the next morning)
Maison jar
Liquid milk  (you can use powdered milk with water)
Apple (chopped into chewable chunks)
Banana 2-3piece
Raspberries 3TBLS (if your looking to lose weight)
Groundnuts, Cashew nuts and dates (as desired)

Breakfast takeout

(Reserve a few fruits and milk for garnishing)
Mix everything in a bowl with the milk,stir until its properly mixed.
Add little milk to your maison jar, then add your Oat mixture, make different layers using the fruits you reserved for garnishing so it looks like the picture above.
Store in the refrigerator and take to work the next morning and nomnomnom.

3. LCD Coco-Macaroni Slaw (2 Servings)( Dinners).
Coconut milk (500ml)
2 types of Macaroni (500ml each)
Hot Dog/Sausage (250ml)
Boiled Egg (as desired)
Green Pepper/Chilli
Any Fried Protein (as desired - optimal)
Grinded Onions (250ml)
Cooking Margarine (125ml)
Grinded Fresh Pepper (62ml or as desired)
Seasoning Cubes (to taste)
Chicken Stock (as desired)

Coco-macaroni slaw

Boil macaroni with one tablespoon full of cooking margarine and salt
Sieve out in a bowl with a lid
Add ½ of coconut milk
Add the coconut milk into a bowl
Add macaroni in milk in a bowl
Use a wooden spoon and stir properly
Cover lid and refrigerate for seven (7) hours
In a separate pot, add last portion of coconut milk and a little melted margarine
Allow to boil add sliced sausage or hot-dog
Add grinded onion and fresh pepper
Add seasoning and salt to taste
Boil for two (2) minutes  
Add boiled eggs
Stir and allow to boil once
Add macaroni into mixture
Stir properly and allow to boil once
Turn off heat, garnish with green pepper and sprinkle grinded pepper as shown in picture above.

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