Skipping Breakfast Could Reduce Your Memory And Concentration Level

I am almost certain that you have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; this is very true! A healthy breakfast is a great way to start your day.
According to a review in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics ; those who eat breakfast have better overall nutrient Consumption along with Improved cognitive function and performances which includes better memory and attention than those who skip breakfast.
Now,let's indulge you in a little brain exercise very quickly before we continue, and you have to do it all in less than 60 seconds.
Try giving a Vivid and very detailed account of what you did yesterday with every detail involved: from what time you woke up,what you did next, time you bathed,ate breakfast ,what you wore,when you left the house,who you met, what you first did, etc. I mean every detail of what you did down till the time you laid on your bed to sleep at night. Can you recount such details in less than 60 seconds? Or even in 3 minutes? Please,if all you did yesterday was sleep,wake up and eat,you can't participant in this exercise, LOL.
I'm almost certain that as soon as I started saying this,your brain started spinning to recall the events of your yesterday, LOL. Now, did you notice your memory probably didn't respond as fast as you expected it to... Now that's your proof right there, that you should never skip breakfast again. And, if you do take breakfast, then you need to be consistent with it; don't eat breakfast to day and skip breakfast tomorrow. Take breakfast everyday, consistency is key.
Now, I really need you to pay attention to my next sentence... According to studies, one way breakfast increases nutrient intake in your body is by interrupting the depletion, that is; interrupting the consumption or emptying of nutrients in your body. You body is constantly using up nutrients by your central nervous system. This means that the brain and neurotransmitters (The chemical carrier of information throughout the nervous system) have all the elements they need to function at their proper level which may help in memory and cognitive functions. This applies to Pregnant women as they are most likely to experience "forgetfulness" after child birth... Can you now see how much damage you do to you body and Brain every time you skip breakfast? Stop taking God's grace for granted. God puts food on your table and you ask him to spoon feed you? The damage you do to your body and brain anytime you skip breakfast is unspeakable!
Choosing the right food to refuel your body when you wake up improves your memory and allows you to focus.

 Have you ever had that tired feeling at mid-morning, say 10-11am when you feel drained out,restless or with a little headache? And your wondering what could be wrong with you? Hello,you skipped breakfast, that's what's wrong with you. Then you get in for a board meeting or so and you just can't wait for the meeting to come to an end so you can go grab a bite ,but the boss is still talking, so you begin to count down to lunch time and it suddenly looks as though the clock is ticking extra slow and you can no longer concentrate or give full attention to what's being said... Skipping breakfast makes it very difficult to concentrate.
Now, if you think that skipping breakfast Will help you prevent weight gain then you need to think again because you have believed in a lie. According to studies, Eating breakfast every morning within 2hours of wake does not only improves your concentration and ability to remember, it also helps you stay fit.
The calories you take at breakfast every morning helps to fuel your brain, which eliminates short term memory but, you want to watch the quantity you take; a very heavy breakfast could leave you drowsy and sluggish so watch the quantity. But if the meal is too light it won't give your brain the adequate calories to function so try to get a balance...not too heay and not too light,especially if your trying to improve retention and sharpened focus.
Here's What You Can Do To Help You Never Skip Breakfast Again:
Ø Work on your Time Management skills : this will help you prioritize and plan the night before and meal prep...
Ø If you've been a breakfast skipper for a very long time then you need to start light and patiently give your body system some time to adjust. So start with a glass of water for two days,then an apple or any fruit of choice for a few days,then move to smoothies for a week or two. Move to more solid breakfast once you feel the need.
Ø Get a menu/Meal plan that works for you: this takes away the problem of always thinking of what to eat for breakfast, it helps you know ahead what to meal prep for the night before and most importantly it saves you time and money in the kitchen.
Ø Learn easy quick breakfast recipes.
Ø Some times your dinner from the night before could serve as breakfast the next morning.
Ø Do take outs: after cooking breakfast and you think seating down to eat it will make you late for your day then you can just pack it as a take out and eat once you get to the office or so...
Ø Take action now! This article shouldn't just be another goose bum sermon for you. Take action by mapping out a workable plan to ensure you take breakfast everyday. 

©Daniella Omor

To reach Daniella visit her blog:, 
Instagram: @lacuisinedanielle
Twitte:r @lacuzindanielle. 
Phone: 08186144818.
We hope this has been helpful, we look forward to hearing from you. This is so that you can because you can.
Warm hugs.

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